
Posts Tagged ‘Freedom’

Happy 4th of July!!

In honor of Independence Day, I thought I’d post a link to this telling article from Ladies Against Feminism:

Should Women Vote?

Their short answer is “no.”  The 4th of July is symbolic of many things- Jennie Chancey’s right to not vote and, thankfully, my right to do so.

I’m thinking of emailing the Chanceys and asking if Matt will be accepting female votes during the runoff for Public Service Commission President in which he is a candidate.  This isn’t a snarky question.  I’d really like an explanation considering his wife’s views on voting.

And on a more cheerful and silly note, I thought this would be good for a laugh:

**Just a note, I don’t think that men “as a group are rather stupid…” 😉  Men are AWESOME!

And in contrast, here’s Mr. Banks’ perspective… he reminds me a bit of a certain patriarch actually…

What a stand up guy!  He treats his subjects, servants, children and wife all the same- with a firm and gentle hand.  Mr. and Mrs. Banks must have been an arranged marriage.

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